Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Big News

Click below for a big announcement from Kevin!

Yes, in case you didn't already hear - we're pregnant with baby #2. No, it did not happen on our cruise, it was a couple of weeks later. That makes me due on March 24, 14 weeks along right now. That means I'm at the beginning of my second trimester, the time when you're supposed to stop feeling nauseous and have more energy. Not so much for me. I've been very sick so far. We think not quite as bad as I was with Kevin, but sick enough to be taking Zofran (anti-barfing medicine). Other than me feeling like crap, everything is great with the baby. We had a big ultrasound a couple weeks ago to look for possible birth defects, and everything checked out OK. Here's a couple pictures of the little alien:

Kevin is VERY excited about the baby. He completely understands that there is a baby growing in my tummy, and talks to it many times a day. He tends to yell into my belly button, but also likes to kiss and tickle the baby. He is proud about being a big brother, and takes the responsibility very seriously. He'll list all the things he is going to teach the baby when it "pops out." He says he's going to teach the baby to walk, play with toys, say words and eat.

I'm already showing, although if you didn't know me you'd probably think I'm just getting fatter. Here's a little belly shot my dad took today.

My dad, the hero, flew out here for 2 1/2 weeks to hang out with Kevin. With me being sick for the past 2 months, and Sam being completely swamped between work, a class he's taking at night, and trying to finish up our master bathroom, Kevin has been a little neglected. Mommy laying on the couch all day and watching hours of TV wasn't quite the stimulating environment he's grown to love. So for the next couple of weeks, Kevin has his own personal grandpa buddy, ready to take him for a trip to the park, or a ride on the train whenever he's bored. He's SO happy, and Sam and I are grateful for the break.

That's about it for now. Be sure to check back for updates, including new photos of the bathroom. Sam's up there starting to tile as I type this, so there should be some progress to show soon!

1 comment:

Sue said...

Congratulations Erica and Sam! We are so happy for you and Kevin. Hope you feel better soon Erica.

I bet your dad loved helping with Kevin. Grandchildren are the greatest and Kevin is such a cutie.

Sue & Dave Bernal